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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku  In The Classroom (B)  Yookoso! An Invitation To Contemporary Japanese, Second Edition 
 2. Bill Cosby  Order In The Classroom  Talks To Kids About Drugs  
 3. Jerome Rothenberg  Poetry in the classroom  Kelly Writers House Fellows; Discussion, April 29, 2008 
 4. Bill Cosby  Order In The Classroom  Talks To Kids About Drugs 
 5. Bill Cosby  Order In The Classroom  Talks To Kids About Drugs 
 6. Cato Institute  Feds in the Classroom-09-18-07  Cato Book Forum 
 7. Dean Shareski  The Open Classroom  Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech 
 8. J. Pitts Show w/ DJ Nice Rec  61-The Classroom w/ DJ Selecta  jpittsshow.com 
 9. Chris Fuller  Thinking outside the classroom box  The Language Show 2008 
 10. Dale Pritchett  Logos in the Classroom  Logos Bible Software 
 11. Arturas Bumsteinas  Live in Classroom  Placido 
 12. Arturas Bumsteinas  Live in Classroom  Placido 
 13. Arturas Bumsteinas  Live in Classroom  Placido 
 14. Louise Crossley and Chris Fuller  Thinking outside the classroom box  SSAT Annual Languages Conference 2008 
 15. Wayne S. Frieden & Marie Hartwell-Walker  Attention in the Classroom  Songs for Elementary Emotional Development 
 16. Dennis Prager  Prager H2: One Party Classroom  Dennis Prager 
 17. A.J. Collins  A.J. Collins Q&A on the Fishouse and using FH in the classroom  From the Fishouse 
 18. Heathfield Technology College and Shireland CLC  E - confident students in the languages classroom  Language World 2008 
 19. Brian C. Dvorak  EdTech 9: Classroom Control System  Ed Tech 101 
 20. Mike Dionne  Classroom Podcasting -Wildvoice Part 1  Hall Pass 
 21. Mike Dionne  Classroom Podcasting-Wildvoice Part 2  Hall Pass 
 22. Doug Peterson  January 2008 GEC Computers in the Classroom   
 23. Pupils from Heathfield Technology College at The IOW Conference 08  E-Confident Students in the Languages Classroom  Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom 
 24. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast251: Geocaching in the Classroom by Barbara Wilson  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 25. intelligentdesign  Where does Darwin's argument from the Origin of Species fit into the classroom?  Intelligent Design The Future 
 26. Eric Langhorst  Speaking of History #161 - Teaching Gas Prices in the Classroom   
 27. Ian Dickinson  GCSE Classroom Notes - Testing Systems  The Learning Pod 
 28. Lisa Blank  Navigating Wireless Communication in the Classroom with TI Navigator  NYSCATE 2008 
 29. Alex Blagona  Making Use of Blogging, Podcasting and Wikis in the MFL Classroom  Northgate High School 
 30. Edward Chapel & Richard Wolfson  Putting the Pedagogy First: The Classroom 2008 Project  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
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